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Newborn Package 1 | $300.00


Custom IN-Studio  one-hour Newborn Session​ 


Includes two to three different set-ups, including props, complete with backdrops, etc. 


All edited images delivered via downloadable Gallery


Photo Print Release


Newborn Package 2 | $450.00

Custom IN-Studio 2-4 hour Newborn Session


Includes three to six different set-ups, including props, complete with backdrops, etc. 


All edited images delivered via downloadable Gallery


Photo Print Release

Newborn Package 3 | $400.00

One-hour Lifestyle Session in your home with your new baby and siblings


All edited images delivered via downloadable Gallery


Photo Print Release

Newborn Photography


Newborns are only little for a little while. Preferably, newborn posed and lifestyle sessions are taken within the first 4-14 days of life.  Babies just tend to do a lot better with the session within their first 7 days. Somewhere around day 8 they discover the joy that is stretching! Once that happens…they’re not about to let us get them into those curly poses without a fight!The shoots typically last 1-3 hours and we work around keeping baby happy, warm, and fed, so they're nice and sleepy for those adorable little poses! After day 14, it’s almost impossible to get baby into that deep sleep that came so easily in their first few days…so it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to get them into any of the more bendy newborn poses, but I will still be more than happy to schedule a lifestyle session with your new bundle of joy. 


Posed newborn sessions are done in my studio, in Moscow Mills, where all backdrops, props, headbands, wraps, blankets, lighting etc. is stored and easily accessible (See Newborn Package 1 or 2, to your left for pricing). Lifestyle newborn sessions are done in your home, are more relaxed, and photos just taken of your family at home enjoying your new addition.  (See Newborn Package 3, to your left for pricing.) This type of session focuses more on your home environment and more relaxed interaction with family members instead of studio props, backgrounds and poses


I book a limited number of sessions per month, so if you are interested, please contact me for open dates! The best time to reserve a newborn session is during your 2nd or 3rd trimester, but if your baby is already here, please contact me to see if I have any openings coming up!


To keep baby nice and warm while in their birthday suit, we like to keep it around 75 degrees. I recommend dressing in layers so you can peel away the layers if you get warm (trust me, you will). We ask that you open all of the blinds and curtains in your home prior to our arrival. This enables us to find the best source of natural light in your home. Nothing flatters like natural light, so we prefer to use it whenever possible.

Worried because your house is a mess? Don’t even stress out! You just had a BABY! If you didn’t have dishes piled in the sink, dirty clothes and baby items strewn all about, we’d think you were weird.


Babies pee and poo on everything...including me. Lol. It is to be expected...and often makes for a good laugh. It does not bother me, everything gets washed after a session.


Newborn sessions typically last 1-4 hours, so please plan accordingly. You may want to pack yourself a lunch or snacks. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative, but it's okay to come alone too. Enjoy the 'free' time to rest...I will not be offended if you nap! Lol! Sometimes parents may be called upon to "work". Some poses require assistance from Mom or Dad as a spotter. Baby safety is ALWAYS number one in my sessions.


I will provide hats, blankets and newborn props. But you are welcome to bring one or two fun hats or other special item that is important to you (i.e. infant hat worn by baby's parent, favorite sport team, etc) but PLEASE notify me in advance. Photos of props you are bringing would be very useful when styling your session (which happens before you arrive). Other things you may want to bring include a pacifier (if you use one), wipes and diapers, spare bottles and pumped breast milk or formula (if you're not directly breastfeeding.)

Ask me about a discount when you book a Maternity+Newborn Session together!

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